At Ladypromax, we specialize in providing high-quality replica products inspired by leading brands. While our products are inspired by renowned brands, please note that they are not genuine products from those brands.

Return Policy

Returns: We accept returns for items that are unworn, undamaged, and in their original packaging within 7 days of purchase. Please contact customer service for a return authorization number before returning any items.

Refunds: Once we receive your return and it has been inspected, we will issue a full refund to your original payment method. Please allow 10-30 business days for your refund to be processed.

Order Cancellation: If you cancel your order before it has been shipped, we will cancel the order and issue a full refund. Please note that it may take 10-30 business days for your refund to be processed.

Termination of Use

Ladypromax reserves the right to terminate your account or your use of the Ladypromax website at any time, without notice. You shall be personally liable for any orders you place or charges you incur prior to termination. Ladypromax reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any or all aspects of the Ladypromax online website at any time without notice.

Secure Ordering and Payment

Your security is our priority. Enjoy peace of mind with our secure payment process through PayPal. Rest assured that your personal information is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.